
Kabaret restaurant
Kabaret restaurant

kabaret restaurant

There are many different languages that also use words that mean cabaret. The patrons were adult audiences and could come to these clubs in Berlin or anywhere else to drink alcohol, watch such entertainment, and be intimate with others. According to Britannica, these type of restaurant and type of entertainment were started in the 1930s as the centres of leftist opposition to the rise of the German Nazi Party and often experienced Nazi retaliation for their criticism of the government.

Kabaret restaurant series#

The show might be hosted by an MC or master of ceremonies and feature a form of entertainment such as a pianist, someone on drums, improvisations, an ensemble of actors, a series of acts in which performers dance like a musical cabaret, singers, a solo vocalist, dancers, a tap-room, musicians, comedians performing political satire, a floor show of dancing, a jazz club performance, and more. They will probably have a cover charge for the light entertainment as well as payment required for a good meal.

kabaret restaurant

These short programs of live entertainment are from European origins, such as the famous Moulin Rouge in Paris, France.

kabaret restaurant

The word cabaret is three syllables – cab-a-ret, and the pronunciation of cabaret is ˈkæbəˌreɪ. According to Collins English Dictionary and the American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, the word cabaret is a noun that refers to a form of live entertainment, often performed in a restaurant or nightclub.

Kabaret restaurant